Ozaukee County Native Pollinator Plant Sale


The 2022 Ozaukee County Pollinator Plant Sale is accepting orders. This is a great way for local landowners that wish to plant some native habitat for pollinators. Pollinators are much more than the popular honey bee, there are a variety of butterflies and birds which also help pollinate plants.

Approximately ¾ of the world’s major food crops require or benefits from animal pollination. This includes many fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, plums, apples, carrots, onions, cabbages, and many herbs.

Orders will be accepted until Friday, April 1st.

A person may select different native species in ¼ flats (8 plants), ½ flats (16 plants) or a full flat of 32 plants. Prices are the same as last year.

Simply click here and you will be directed to the online order. https://flowersale.co.ozaukee.wi.us/

The pickup of orders will be in mid-June and you will be notified of the specific date, time, and location.

For questions, call Geoff Schramm (262) 284-8315